Now, you’re cooking with gas!
Interviewing Chef Teri Porterfield of Just Eats Remember when your business was just getting started? Exciting times, weren’t they? I have shared that excitement with several of my clients! Chef Teri Porterfield first contacted me about helping with her website back...
Easy Website Stats For You
I'm inviting my clients to take advantage of a great free resource (sign up below). For years, I have used StatCounter on a few websites, but early this year, I installed StatCounter on all of the Wordpress sites that I host. It has been an eye-opener! For example,...
February 2015 Newsletter
I hope the new year is off to a great start for your organization—and for you personally. It certainly is for me! After a tremendous fourth quarter, I had a welcome lull during the holidays. It was a perfect time for "sharpening tools" and preparing for more...
What is Responsive Web Design and Why Does it Matter?
What is Responsive Web Design? I can hardly do better than a current Wikipedia definition: Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing,...
New Site Takes Flight
How many children do you know whose field trips include flying in a Cessna 180? This was one of the many rich experiences that missionary pilot Larry Puckett brought to our family when we were fellow missionaries in Mexico. Larry's wife, Doris, recently...
Tech Support at Two in the Morning
2014 Update: Crossloop bit the dust a few months back. It's a real shame. I wish I could afford Teamviewer, as it works quite well. My current volume of remote work just doesn't justify Teamviewer's prices. Instead, I am paying for a Zoho Assist account...
Setting Up a Remote Office (In a Third-World Country)
When my boss in Dallas, Texas decided to take advantage of an alternative cancer treatment in Guatemala, I got to go down with him on his first visit. My two jobs were to translate and to set up his remote office. While the Guatemalans may still be...
Car Crashes and Social Networking
When a customer's new BMW crashed into his flooring showroom, Ira Kirkley did the smart thing: he titled the security camera footage "Customers Can't Wait to Buy" and sent it off to local television stations. The news departments couldn't resist, and soon...
Maintain Aspect Ratio in Videos Posted to YouTube
Since placing high in Google searches is very important to some of my clients, I have been researching an increasingly popular tactic: using YouTube videos. So far, I am encouraged by how easy it is to post videos. Registering at YouTube just takes a...
Christmas Gift From A Trillionaire
A Christmas gift from a trillionaire would probably be nice. It might cost more than you or I will make in a lifetime. But it could not be any nicer than the gift my father recently received from two young friends. When my mother passed away three years...
Disk Image Backups, Free and Otherwise
Have you ever had computer problems that resulted in your having to re-install the operating system and all the programs that you need? If you're like me, that process can take a full day or more. And it isn't fun! Here is what I do on my Windows XP...