At JBH Communications, I take great pleasure in helping my clients to grow their businesses and organizations. Some of the process is tedious, and NOT FUN, but sometimes it’s LOTS OF FUN! Take a look….
Another WordPress Update? Give me a Break!
Now and then, my little Scottish heart feels like the work I do for clients is TOO EASY, that what I charge them for Infrastructure Maintenance is highway robbery. Then the great platform I use (WordPress) updates, and things break. That’s when I’m reminded of why my customers pay me the “big bucks.” With this latest update there were lots of sites that broke — not just for me, but for many webmasters. As the base for many of my clients’ custom sites, I use an excellent premier WordPress theme that I had to manually update on HALF of the 79 WordPress sites that I currently host. Had I not done the time-consuming manual update, the sites’ slideshows and galleries would have stopped working. I could have held off on the WordPress update until there was a one-click update for the theme, but I’m committed to keeping my clients’ websites current with the latest security and performance updates! Working for yourself is tough when the boss is demanding.

One of my favorite clients is an old friend who taught me how to make slide shows back in the 20th Century! Don Regier has been an award-winning media arts professor at a graduate school (DTS) since 1973. He has always used artistic creativity to teach important lessons. His current project — that I’m helping with — uses clay figures to convey some deep, hard-won wisdom in a hilarious series of vignettes featuring the pig Decker McSwine and the vocal talent of Reg Grant. Check out the McSwine Flu Shots. Believe me, there’s more to this story than meats the eye!
In the process of presenting this video series, we’re both learning a lot about YouTube, MailChimp, and social media like Facebook and Twitter.
How can I help YOU to present your company or story?
Your webmaster for the long haul,
Brad Hepp