Video Production
(see also: Websites | Print Design | Photography)
With the onset of the Covid pandemic in 2020, I added video production to my skill set. My clients were suddenly needing to pre-record meetings for on-demand streaming.
Civic Organization Virtual Townhall
Ferguson Road Initiative is one of my great clients in the Dallas area. FRI advocates for the neighborhoods that border Ferguson Road. When their annual townhall meetings had to go online in recent years, FRI asked me to assemble videos that would constitute virtual townhalls. This involved several challenges:
- clearly communicating the ideal format for the constituent videos
- providing a way for various parties to submit their videos and other materials
- assembling the final video in a pleasing format that minimizes problems with the supplied video and sound quality
To produce the video presented here, I combined twelve videos and a PowerPoint presentation. Video came from the Dallas Police Department, a County Commissioner, a DISD Trustee, Dallas City Council members, a state representative, and various FRI team members.
Church Services
During the period when my own church was only doing online services due to the pandemic, I filmed and assembled dozens of services. The format was ideal for exploring new formats, and using interesting locations and backgrounds. Generally, however, it was important to give our viewing members a sense of connection with the sanctuary where we wished to regather as soon as possible!
And a Little Self-Promotion
You may also enjoy a mostly-for-fun animation that I did based on a photograph I took in downtown Dallas. For this one, do yourself a favor, and turn up the sound!
See some other creative videos in the Photography section of this site as well as in the Videos section of my personal blog.